Thursday, December 29, 2011

SQL Server - Fun With Dates

So, before anyone complains about my method of posting functions.  I like functions.  I work well with them.

But, hey.  Not everyone likes them.  You just want the code.  If you want a somewhat detailed explanation of what is going on, visit their related posts.

So, below is where I'll keep the simple code snippets, with just an intro explanation...

I'll add to this as I add more posts relating to dates or even before I create the related posts.
I'll try and remember to do the same with the various other items I work with.

Oh, and these may not be the fastest queries or the most readable.  But they should work.  If you find one that doesn't let me know.


-- Set the Date you plan on using

DECLARE @Date DateTime
SET     @Date = '2011-12-14'

-- Get the Last Day of the Month

-- Get the Last Day of the Prior Month
SELECT DATEADD(d,-Day(@Date),@Date) 

-- Get the First Day of the Month
SELECT DATEADD(d,-Day(@Date) +1 ,@Date)

-- Get the First Day of the prior Month
SELECT DATEADD(d,-DAY(DATEADD(m,-1,@Date)-1 ),DATEADD(m,-1,@date)) 

-- Get the First Day of the next Month
SELECT DATEADD(d,-DAY(DATEADD(m,1,@Date)-1 ),DATEADD(m,1,@date))

--Get the Last Day of the Week
SELECT DATEADD(d,7-(DATEPART(dw,@Date)),@Date)

--Get the First Day of the Given Week
SELECT DATEADD(d,-(DATEPART(dw, @Date) - 1),@Date) 

-- The following will return only the date portion of the 
-- DateTime.  This strips off the Time and leaves only zeros.
SET @Date = GETDATE() --Get current system date and time

SELECT  @Date                            as OriginalDate
      , DATEADD(d,0,DATEDIFF(d,0,@Date)) as StrippedDate

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